Beach scenes..

The sea wasn’t so flat today which brought the paddle boarders out. A busy evening on the beach.
Restless this evening, too many calls about work, no salary still. My manager had called in the morning, and again late afternoon to say she didn’t recommend I sign my contract and to leave the company. Not what you expect to hear. She’s tired of the bullying and abuse thrown at her by the owner.. he doesn’t understand why she stands up for our legal rights and doesn’t support him.. she also told me that he’s not financially impacted by Corona.. my pay cheque was forgotten by the owner, everyone had been paid. He wasn’t worried. Tomorrow! And we’d reminded them I needed cash not having residency, nor bank account and an expired visa. The one other Western colleague now thinks she has a job offer, another colleague got between 5-10% of his salary - just the time he recorded lectures. He can’t come to the office because of lockdown so he wasn’t paid, but is actually working in country areas.. not a great day.. nice to have the beach nearby and friends to mumble to. I’m not the only worker in this part of the world battling unfair managers.. but thankfully I don’t have the awful working and living conditions of many, many here. When I get paid I’ll at least have some extra cash to share.

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