Double duck

Another gorgeous sunny summer's day called for yet another tandem ride.

We set off as soon as I returned from my morning walk, destination Haddington. Here we picnicked on the bank of the River Tyne, opposite the (closed) Waterside Inn (extra). The water was very low and still, so perfect for photographs of reflections. Jemima Puddleduck provided the lunchtime entertainment.

As soon as we reached home again, I continued with my gardening efforts. Then, just after 5pm, Caitlin called over to borrow my bike so that she and Paddy could ride out to see the poppies that I blipped on Saturday. I had to warn the evening cycling shift that the main poppy field has now been mown (we noticed this this afternoon), but they still enjoyed the display in the next field along.

It looks like there will be one more day of 'summer' tomorrow so we have arranged to pay Dick a lunchtime birthday visit in South Queensferry.

Exercise today: walking (16,857 steps); 44 mile tandem ride.

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