(Not) Hectic (MM334)

There were more people out and about today - but this is still about as hectic as Oxhill gets :-)  Part way round a slow(ish) bike ride. 

The church in Oxhill makes for a pleasant stop for a drink,  the wall is just the right height for me to sit facing one way and Gill to sit facing the other ... we know how to live life to the full :-)

Edit: on a more serious note, we called in at the village pharmacy and talked to one of the locum pharmacists.  Gill knew her husband had died recently and unexpectedly,  but we found out it was corona virus which makes it seem all the more real when it affects some one who is part of normal life.   We returned home to see the news photos of the queues at the Nike Shop in Oxford St  and Primark in Birmingham ... have to wonder what it is that the Nike customers don't appear to understand that the Primark people do?

Thanks to Laurie54 for hosting Mono Monday.

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