Day 104 of my lockdown - Day 16 of slight ease of lockdown

Very rainy this morning so spent the morning making up some photo files and a bit more family research. 

Also our theme for LetsDo52 this week is Optical Illusion.  Well the things I had planned didn't come off because it was either far too hot for me got outside or it was chuntering it down or two cloudy!!!!??  But Today I got G to kneel in front our bird table so it looks like he's wearing a hat.

This is also in tribute to Admirer as I would have entered Silly Saturday with it this week, so this is in her honour.

Will be getting an Italian Mezze delivered this evening, care of Thyme Out - it's kind of an advanced birthday dinner as we won't be going out anywhere.

Nothing much else to say today, so I do hope you are all well and staying safe.  Thank you for your lovely comments, stars and hearts - they are so appreciated and I love them.  

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