No much to report today.  Watched some TV - a wonderful programme called Marvellous - a fact based drama about Neil Baldwin who had learning difficulties and led an extraordinary life.  He joined the circus and became a clown and later he was the " kit man " for Stoke City FC. It was such a heart-warming story.

It rained on and off until early afternoon but it was dry by the time I went out.  I popped to the Co-op to get some ice cream lollies as I had run out.  (Of course I got a lot more than lollies.) 

On my way home I met a couple of my neighbours and their dog.  I've only spoken to them in person once before as they only moved in to The Close last December and their house is at the top of the cul - de- sac so I never pass it.  However they are part of the Close Whatsapp group so I feel as though I know them.  It was lovely to see them and have a catch up.

I spotted these Feverfew flowers in the back lane. Not easy to get a clear shot due to the strong wind.  Thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

Musical link SUMMER FEVER - by Donna Summer

Today would have been the 92nd birthday of my husband Douglas.  Born on 3rd July 1928 he sadly passed away on 29th September 2001. So many years without him.  I have added a few photos in my Extras.

Steps today - 7,860 ( 3.07 miles )

Not a Corona Classic today but a song by The Seekers as they were a favourite of Douglas. The Seekers - The Carnival Is Over

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