Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


I have never seen a bird so determined to get at an orange.  This is a female Hooded oriole.  These birds aren't a pure yellow.  There's some olive green mixed into their wings and the top of their heads.  They look nothing like the males.

I had a phone appointment with my psychiatrist this morning (yeah, the bipolar thing).  The really great part about speaking on the phone is that you can have an entire appointment without getting out of bed.  I figured it was time to get up after that.  I had a great sandwich outside at the deli but even though it was only in the 90's, I couldn't sit out there any longer because it was so sticky.  I've spent 14 summers in Arizona now and I'm acclimated to the heat but not the heavy air of the monsoon. 

I should have been heading for a six night stay in Madera Canyon today but I postponed it until mid-August because the Coronado National Forest is still under fire restrictions.  Evenings/nights sitting  on the porch, listening to Madera creek and the crickets while the fire simmers at my feet is the favorite part of my stay.  The birds and critters are great but the peacefulness that comes with being immersed in nature can't be beat.

I posted  this blip for yesterday  a few minutes ago.  I hope you'll take a look.  I kinda liked it.

You may have heard about DJT  "acing" the cognitive test used to test for dementia by bragging that he could remember  "person, man, woman, camera, TV."   This was "The Borowitz Report" satirical headline in today's The New Yorker article: 
Obama Passes Cognitive Test By Reciting The First Fifty Digits Of Pi
Here's the entire (short) article  if you're interested.

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