Bracket fungus

Thank you so much for your lovely best wishes on our wedding anniversary yesterday. You really are a wonderful group of people. We both agreed that the day was one of the best anniversaries we’ve had, so that makes it very special.

We were wondering whether to go for an evening swim at Dymchurch today seeing as it’s hot. High tide is around 8.00pm which would have made a pleasant end to the day. In the event we decided to postpone it to tomorrow when it’s likely to be hotter and even at 8.00pm it’s forecast to be 27c.

So this morning it was another session of Joe Wicks, we’ve started from the beginning and having done three are now on Wednesday 25th March. At three a week this will keep us going for several months before we start all over again. It’s interesting to see how the sessions have changed over from the first to the 78th.

We went on one of our shady walks around Caring Lane, looking at some large fish in the River Len from the road bridge and being astounded by this bracket fungus which was growing out of a wooden post. Not seen the like of this before! It had to be today’s blip.

Off now to check the allotment while Susan is at her mum’s to do a bit of watering and see what need picking. As it’s going to be rather warm tomorrow we’re planning to go for an early morning walk.

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