Slow Day!

Furlough Day 114, 05.08.20

Miss Charlie was really fed up she wasn't allowed out last night, and sulked.  I slept like a log thanks to the antihistamine tablet I took, which was great as I wasn't disturbed at all :)

Came down for breakfast this morning and let Charlie out - she disappeared and didn't come back until lunchtime.  Since then she's been back a couple of times, one because it poured with rain not long ago but that's it!  

It was really lovely to welcome GodsCreation into my new house today :)

We sat in the garden (socially distanced of course) and chatted over a coffee!

After she left I had some lunch and then got sleepier and sleepier, so I dozed the afternoon away really...

Can't believe I'm still flying high on popular - now at no 1 spot :):)  Thanks again to everyone :)

Does anyone know what the plant is in my extra?

Happy Wednesday folks :)

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