
By ruth_mottram

To see a world in a grain of sand...

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower 

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 

And Eternity in an hour..."

From Auguries of innocence by William Blake

The full poem is long and full of righteous anger and a luminous humane feeling for fellow beings, worth reading (see e.g here:

One of those wonderful afternoons at the beach you never really want to end.
We got there later than intended but still quite busy and crowded. Kids were straight into the water- it's about 30C today - and I barely saw them for the next hour until they came back claiming hunger...

A picnic of Blytonesque proportions was wolfed down and then it was back on the water until finally prompted by concerned messages from the other parents I dragged them out again, got them dried off and changed whereupon they started building sandcastles! Eventually it was home for a pizza and ice cream fest. It a bad way to end the summer holidays when you're 7 and 9...

All of which gave me plenty of time to ponder the infinite. Of course, this is the 3rd year in a row that Denmark has had an official heatwave- the gardens are crying out for water...

Welcome to the new normal.

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