An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Hover fly hovering...

No time to dally.  Awaiting arrival of our first Chinese takeaway since January!  :-))))

Today David has been mostly fitting the new boot divider in the car so we can take Lola and luggage on holiday at the end of the week.  Yay!  I don't travel light (insert sorry not sorry face here ;-))

We then spent some time in the side garden looking at the gaps left where we pulled out the dead lavender a few weeks ago, except there are no gaps now.  Jeezy peeps!  Mother Nature is certainly a very efficient planter of weeds her natural species!  Tackling that is a job for later in the month week (certainly not tomorrow as the forecast is horrendous.  Strong winds and torrential rain.) 

David then went to the golf range and I spent a little longer in the garden with my camera, watching two hover flies hover and hop between the weeds natural species.  Fascinating to watch, especially through the macro lens and I am pleased I caught one actually hovering in mid air.  It further indulged me by posing beautifully on a tiny little dandelion (see extra) 

Oh!  Food has arrived!  That's not thunder, it's my rumble tum  See you on the other side :-))

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