A little ride out

Today was going to be quite relaxing. We went out at 12:30 to visit my Brother in Law who has his birthday today. getting on for 14:00 Julia rang to say she was on her way, as we won't see the twins next weekend she thought she'd have a surprise visit.
We got home just as she had pulled into the drive, Isabella had been sick!
Got them in and while I started some dinner for us all they sorted out the girls.
About 20 minutes before dinner was ready Daniel, Joanne, Buddy and Hendrix popped in after being out and about. They didn't stop for dinner though and left just a few minutes before it was ready.
Julia left around 17:00'ish. I then mowed the back lawn and tidied up all the toys.
It all left me a bit frazzled and I said to Marlane that I was going out for a ride. She thought it wouldn't be very calming because of the level of concentration required but in fact it is very relaxing. You think about nothing else when you are riding other than where you are going and keeping safe. 
I was riding aimlessly around just following my front wheel. I stopped when I spotted the field with bales of hay after the field had been harvested, thought it was worthy of a blip. Travelled on a couple of miles and the sign came up for Gloucestershire Airport and thought it would be nice to stop for a coffee. It's always a good coffee at The Aviator.
Sat outside where everyone was observing social distancing and watched the small aircraft refuelling. When it started up and moved off I'd finished my coffee and headed off home. You can just see my bike parked at the fence between the cars.
There were some other bikers and a couple of Polish guys were leaving at the same time and the called across and we had a few minutes conversation about bikes. Nice people the Polish.

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