Windmill 'De Wilde', Goirle

'De Wilde' = 'The Wild One'

I really want to finish that page in my colouring book, but there's housework, too.

We drove to Goirle together for this second one.  You can't see the other when you're with one of them, although they're not too far from each other.  After shooting it, AW decided we had time to explore the area close to the Belgian border, and we ended up lost in the cornfields.  There was some map-reading on the way, some looping and retracing, and loads of laughter.  We even found ourselves in a neighbourhood of villas and rich mansions and oohed and aahed left and right as we drove in circles trying to get back to a main road.  Eventually ended up in Baarle-Hertog in Belgium and Baarle-Nassau in The Netherlands, a village split in two by the border, with no sign anywhere that you crossed it ... haha!  How can you tell where you are?  By the building styles of the houses!  License plates aren't that reliable because cars from both countries can be found all over the place.  Borders are cheap places to live at.

We were back in the nick of time for AW's Tuesday bridge evening.  We will surely return there one of these days.

While we were on the road on the way earlier, I told AW about what I sometimes feel -- that now that I've reached many of my goals, including the most important ones, maybe it's time for me to go.  No, no, no, that is not the case at all!  Okay, I said, we should set some new goals together ... and that's what we did, right then and there -- to spend more time together, cherish each other more ... and have more laughs ... haha!

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