Abstract Selfie

More digging this morning and two more visits to the tip.
Hope to complete the removal of soil next week and if not definitely the week after.
Washed the bedding from the twin beds in the guest room , even though it had rained heavily overnight it dried really quickly.
So l did another wash and that’s dried too.
Had more telephone counselling this afternoon, really helpful.
B phoned and asked if l wanted a walk and a drink this evening, so we are meeting at 6pm .
Done a shop for the ingredients l need for this weekend when l go stay with Tim and his family.
We are following The Tour de France and as it is in The Pyrenees on Saturday and Sunday we are cooking meals from that region.
Really enjoyed shopping for something different as l cook quite simply for myself ( helps keep my weight stable too ) and then enjoy treats at the weekend.
Got some lovely cheeses and tomorrow l’m going to make the main course for Saturday evening .

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