All change

Today really was the end of summer. Strong wind, heavy rain. Wearing a roll neck pullover - a sure sign of Autumn’s arrival.

Mr B had Part 2 of the root canal treatment. All good and no more visits needed. Would have paid for a month in Spain (not that we want to go anywhere).

At home all day, except for a walk up the road to send a completed form to the DVLA (more below). On the way blipped the above scene for steveng’s Wide Wednesday challenge “Tall””. Lucky the college tower was in the background. .

Local artists working in conjunction with the council and Bournemouth Arts By the Sea. The young fellow is preparing a sign “Holdenhurst Road is changing”. Can’t read all of it - something about plans are currently being developed to create a family(?) friendly environment that encourage ..... and cycle through the area

Back to the form. DVLA had said could be done on-line. The on-line drop-down menu didn’t have the necessary option, and advises one to email the info. Clicked the email link which asks for my email address. Then receive an email saying need to send by post. Talk about going round in circles.

Found a recipe for a salad, a mix of raw and cooked beetroot and a mayo, gherkin, lemon dressing. Delicious.

Not much else. A dull sort of day.

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