Happy Birthday

to me!

Furlough Day 184, 17.10.20

Did a lot of housework this morning and then started preparing dinner after lunch. 

My lovely two friends G and C (my bubble family) came mid afternoon and very kindly put up some coat hooks, replaced a blind after my decorating.  Then they were going to put a curtain pole up...but the wall fitting fell out, so we had to get the polyfilla out and it wasn't quite dry when they left late evening.  Never mind!

I cooked lemon and tarragon roast chicken with roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli and peas.  I'm quite proud how well it turned out as I don't cook or entertain much at all, especially in these times.  

We played a couple of games 'ticket to ride' and quirkle.  I won neither, but its the taking part that is fun anyway :)

In the extra is a lovely book my Dad and StepMum sent.  I've dipped into it, but am looking forward to reading properly :)

It was quite late by the time they left, and I was far too tired to blip then...

Backblipped on 18.10.20

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