
By dunkyc

Cry you a river

I had been very much looking forward to today for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, it was the final day before a week off with the children and whilst it was an exceptionally busy morning getting things cleared, it did mean that the afternoon was a little more sedate and I was able to ease out of work. Good riddance to it for 9 consecutive days! Heaven!

Secondly, I was having a catch up with Simmo, who clearly having had enough of me banging on about how great Hamilton is, came round for a bit of dinner and to see it for herself. It’s been a pretty grim day weather-wise, so upon request, I lit the fire and we were nice and cosy as we devoured gnocchi (me) followed by cheesecake (her) and watched the cast do their “thang”.

She seemed to enjoy it and was quite forgiving when ‘Wait for It’ once again induced a cascade of tears from me. I’ve given up trying to stop them when it comes on now, the song clearly cuts to the core of me, so I’m just going to let ‘em flow!

Besides, Lin-Manuel Miranda said this on music induced crying when he was on Desert Island Discs:-

“It manifested itself as me making an ass of myself in all kinds of situations because I would tear up and get very emotional. And I now realise it is a strength and a superpower..”

I’m not entirely sure of how much benefit ‘Cryingman’ would be to the planet, but am certainly going to look into costume design with The Youngest and in the meantime, I’ve cried you a river.

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