In the Garden

I had a blood test this morning, the first since September,  I am doing well!   Anyway the result was OK, come back in December.  Unfortunately the Covid19 immunisation is not quite ready at our GP surgery yet, so I'll have to wait; maybe next time?

We went for a little walk in town.  Henley Street is looking very sad with virtually everything closed and very few people around.  They have put the Christmas  lights up though, switch on Thursday but without the normal razzmatazz. 

On return home I had a mooch around the garden.  There are still one or two splashes of colour, though most of the plants are going into hibernation such as the hydrangea,  see extras.  I thought these two seed heads would be suitable for today's Tiny Tuesday hosted by Jill (JDO).

As we were walking back from town we went via the railway station.  I couldn't resist the picture I've added to the extras.  A diary picture to show future generations....."I remember the days when you were only allowed to sit in one out of four seats!".

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