Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Parliament in a spin!

This afternoon we watched Elf.  A nice respite from the news and Brexit, and dare I say it even Covid-19.  Great as the vaccine is after seeing it live at 06:29 it was wearing a bit thin by lunchtime!

I popped up to see Mum and Dad this afternoon too.  I want so much to give them a hug.  I get quite annoyed by all the focus on care homes.  They aren't the only ones who haven't hugged loved ones since March.  As we are in tier 3 strict social distancing was observed, and despite the lack go hugs it was still nice to see them.

I made a little Christmas scene in the vase that Mum and Dad bought us in 2006 for our engagement present, and used the lens ball to invert it.

I did a bit of catch up on YouTube video editing, including today's sunrise.

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