Light Bulb

I awoke this morning at 7am.  It was pitch dark outside, middle of the night dark.  At 7:30 when I woke again to take my first pills of the day it was still dark.  I've had enough of dark mornings, luckily by 8:30 when I awoke for the third time the day had broken and I felt able to get up.  Mind the day stayed gloomy, and damp, though I did manage to get out for a walk this afternoon.  Never mind, only a week or so and days will be getting lighter again.

I'm not sure what happened to today, it seems to have flown by.  One bright spot was the cannelloni Ann and I made for lunch.  

I had no inclination to take any photos until this evening when I had a stab at Abstract Thursday hosted by Ingeborg, theme Decorations.  This is a picture I took in the kitchen where the Christmas lights along the window sill are reflecting into the lamp bulb and splashed across the blinds.   I have applied a little emphasis in places!

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