Soggy Santa

Alas, the weather today has not been quite so motivational and yesterday's low and welcome sunshine has given way to low and unwelcome rain clouds... But Santa is made of sterner stuff, and made his soggy way around the village once more. 

I think it's the first time he's come up our little dead end lane (can't say cul-de-sac anymore, post Brexit). We had to search the house for coins, or indeed cash of any sort. He has a larger village this year, and a longer day sat astride his diesel sleigh...

Twelve sleeps, as they say. But for me I'm afraid it's nineteen and a far less cheerful present already horribly open and visible. Even now, I remain bewildered that we seem unable to see the thing that is about to eat us, nor make the simple if embarrassing sidestep to avoid it.

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