Christmas Around Town

I haven't posted many Christmas photos in past years, so I'm making up for it this year since I have so many extras remaining...and not much else to blip!

Here's Santa at the hardware store.  They decorate for every big holiday but really go over the top for Halloween and Christmas. 

Extras:  the gazebo in the center of town, the falls, the new this year tree display along the river walk, and the usual Santa's mailbox.

We can't decorate a lot here at home because a certain unnamed feline family member finds the decorations just so incredibly fascinating to swat and/or eat.  For anyone interested, his first week of training is going well.  He does up, down, and stay pretty well and goes to his training stool when told to get off the kitchen counter.  What I don't know is how to keep him from jumping up on it! 

Thanks for visiting. 

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