Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Garden Jay

Another sprinkling of snow and it didn’t get much above freezing today. 
The Jay popped in for some of today’s offering but as usual didn’t stay long. I was also treated to another visit from my lesser whitethroat. 

We have spent nearly all evening on Zoom with various groups which has been lovely. Lots of chat, jokes and quizzing passed the time nicely and now we are just waiting for midnight so we can go to bed! It won’t quite be the same with no London fireworks to watch, but I’m sure there will be some locally. 

After a tough year for many, we’ve been fortunate enough to be able to enjoy each other’s company and support my parents through this, but I feel for those who have had it much worse than us.  
May the new year bring us all happiness and above all health. With vaccines being administered now, there is light at the end of the tunnel I think. 

Happy New Year and may 2021 be better than this year! 

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