Today's Special

By Connections


I watched the full proceedings of the House of Representatives today as Trump was impeached again -- this time for "Incitement of Insurrection" against the U.S. Government -- and I relished every minute of it.

Ten of the House Republicans voted with the Democrats, making the final vote 197 "No" and 232 "Yes." Two of those ten Republicans are from Washington, my state -- Jaime Herrara Beutler and Dan Newhouse. 

Jaime Herrara Butler represents southwest Washington's 3rd District and is the first Hispanic person to represent our state on the federal level. Dan Newhouse represents the state's 4th District in the central part of our state and is a third-generation Yakima Valley farmer.

I'm a lifelong Democrat, and I'm very grateful to these moderate Republicans from Washington and the eight other Republicans  from New York, Wyoming, Illinois, Michigan (2), Ohio, South Carolina, and California who joined with the Democrats in voting to impeach Trump.

Such a contrast to last Wednesday! I hope that next Wednesday's inauguration of Joe Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President is even more joyful, despite all the extraordinary security that must be in place.

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