O say can you see

By the dawn's early light...

I'm not a great singer of national anthems. Not God Save the Queen (a dirge) nor Flower of Scotland ( more of a dirge) though who can resist a stirring rendition of La Marseillaise. Maybe I wouldn't like it so much if I were French though. National Anthems carry too much baggage. Well that's my opinion. But Lady Gaga's interpretation of the Star Spangled Banner at yesterday's Inauguration Ceremony was quite something. Along with most people I thought that Amanda Gorman was exceptional in every way. Her poise was astonishing.

I surprised myself by feeling quite emotional when Kamala Harris was sworn in. And utterly relieved when Biden swore his oath. Now let's watch and see how they get on with the massive task ahead.

This morning I saw snow covered hills by dawn's early light. Nothing much at ground level and we have been spared the latest destructive storm thank goodness.

A busy couple of days ahead for me or at least I've a few things to do. Funny how that feels busy these days. Really I have plenty of time to fit things in.

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