A day in the life

By Shelling

Unexpected meal

Today has been a grey day from start to finish so I've spent nearly all of it indoors working and leisuring.

During the early evening I had a phone call from a friend about my neighbour Mr.T, who is not feeling well in these times of isolation and cold weather. He's over eighty and has become very weak during the last couple of weeks. Apparently he has not been eating properly and is in a generally poor condition. I went to the shop and got some food for him that I cooked and brought to him. He doesn't look well and we will see to that he gets a proper check-up at the hospital next week. 

Mr.Ts neighbour invited me for a meal and wanted a report about the state of Mr.T. We have a good network in the village. Todays blip is straight from the table after quite a hectic evening.

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