
By JeanSnaps

My first bee of the year.

I don't know where the day's gone to. I slept well, woke early and seem to have done nothing much ever since.  I know I faffed around a bit with my new bird table. It's small, only  a little more than 30 centimetres square but the ground slopes where I want to put it.  I've done some levelling and howking out of ivy but it needs more and there are crocuses which will have to be  moved so I'll wait till they have died down. It's stable enough and Beaky was straight in.  Other birds have been a bit more cautious but  it is being used.  Afterwards I struggled with my 1,000 piece jigsaw.  I reckoned I had made a mistake buying it as after I got the edges in place it lay there untouched.  A few pieces have gradually been placed. I don't know if I'm enjoying it but I don't like to give up.
Wandered up the garden and found a bee harvesting the crocuses which was a thrill.  My first bee of the year.  Took lots of photos and cut back the lavateria which was getting in the way When I looked later there were about six or seven at work,  all honeybees.  Word must have spread.  Now of course I want to see my first bumblebee.
After that I appear to have done nothing.  Started a new book, had some Selkirk bannock and fell asleep on the sofa.  Haven't even been for a walk.

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