New reality day 215

Light at the end of a tunnel! Days are getting longer, the sun is shining and



I got a call (on late Sunday afternoon, imagine that )



For real. (I'm telling myself, as I find it hard to believe.) 90 applied for it (they'll hire 4 or 5). I go sign the contract on Wednesday before work. So I won't say much more about it before I have a signed contract. I will say this. It's another store. Near by, so I can continue to cycle to work when the weather allows that. During the summer it will be a fantastic commuting. Anyway. The almost as big new as the new job is that they were looking for summer trainees. Well, I applied for that, but now someone is starting a family leave during summer, so I was offered a longer contract from the start. My current boss has offered me work only until July (and she knows that 2 are leaving. Actually 4 + me, but she's not aware of that yet)!

I am very happy. I assume I will be at my present job for 1,5 months unless they need me sooner at the new one. I was asked when I can start and I said when my current contract ends. I plan to leave one week sooner (if all goes well), so I have strength to work all through summer better.

In the picture our dogs in the backyard. You can still see the paths I've digged for them all through the winter. But the piles are melting and getting lower even if it doesn't look like that.

Did I mention I got a new job already? That's about all I can think of. And I can't stop smiling. I know it's gonna be hard work, but when I went there everyone said hello to me even if they didn't know who I was. At my current job it took weeks me working there before they started to say hello to me or to talk to me.

All I want is to have a decent job to which it's nice to go to, in the area where we live. I hope I get that this time.

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