What else but a busy Sunday!

Another good day today. Especially as for a couple of hours I had my whole family here,so thank you to those who designated it Mothering Sunday! Nice to see Daniel, and lovely flowers and chocolates. Lucky me.

I had several ebay sales ending between 11 and 12.30 which was exciting. Pleased with the result and have been paid by 5 of the 6, so they are packaged up to be posted tomorrow.

I had a chat with mum, who spent the weekend at Manda's, then headed to the allotment loaded up with stuff. I spent an hour and a half digging and planting, giving the hens a bit of time to stretch their legs outside their run. I was really pleased with what I got done. Planted first and second earliest, but the ground in that bed was very claggy clay, even though I had beans there last year. 50 onions and 12 shallots planted in the bit next to the hen run, where the ground was a bit better once I had dug it, and hopefully nicely fertilised by the chickens. Then lastly, a short row of broad beans, next to two rows of parsnips. I only put them in because I have the seeds. Not surevi am really bothered about parsnips. The ground in that bed isn't great and I didn't want to dig, so just used my dibber and dropped in the seeds. We'll see!

The sunflower seeds for the Gibbs family sunflower growing challenge are all planted in pots, and I've put them in the greenhouse. Now we need some nice weather. While I was at the allotment Jon dug over this lovely neat bed in the garden, where I am going to grow our salad vegetables rather than at the allotment. I will also put in a few mange tout, as they grow over night and need frequent picking. They usually do anyway, so I hope they will this year. Unlike the bed I dug, this one looks beautifully neat with straight edges. Very 'Jon', and mine was very me! Chalk and cheese when it comes to neat and tidy!

Henry's hair has been driving him mad, but it is so gorgeous and curly. He was getting so desperate, that he asked me if I would cut it. Instead, Mollie did some googling, then took on the task. I think she has done an amazing job. It took 2 hours apparently. Both very brave!! S nice bit of sibling bonding I think.

We had lovely home made pizza for dinner. Jon's new breadmaker makes excellent dough. So much better than shop bought, and lovely to have all the topping we like!

I did a bit of ironing before my nice hot bath, then the final of the pottery throwdown. We love that programme and are very happy with the winner, but I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it yet!

Now watching an episode of The Crown.

Hope you mums have had an enjoyable day. I have :-)

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