Red Cowslip!

4°C  -  21mph NNW Wind Speed  -  31 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy with Sunny Intervals  -  Bits of Snow.  Drove down to Montrose for the first time since I injured my big toe  -  nearly a fortnight ago!  I’ve survived☺  Shopped in Boots  -  it was like a ghost town, except for the Pharmacy.  Then onto Lidls  -  I like Lidls because their car parking spaces are wider than Tescos  -  and, of course, everything is cheaper  -  their dark chocolate bars are third of the price and much tastier than Tescos. Lacked any inspiration for a blip today  -  gales always disorientate me  - but my red cowslips are beginning to show so I nipped out to take a quick shot.

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