This is the first official day of the easing of the restrictions on travel within the country, and we took advantage of it to visit the Trossachs, for the first time in over a year.  It was a beautiful day and the countryside was looking lovely.

We travelled over to Callander and had a cuppa and a biscuit sitting at the river, after having a bit of a walk.  Just before we left we met a fellow blipper, Shortygirl,  and her husband, and it was lovely to have a wee chat in person as we 'visit' each other regularly.  I was interested to hear why she was called Shortygirl, as she is not short, but it has to do with her habit of making shortbread.

From Callander we drove over the Duke's Pass to Aberfoyle, as we wanted to walk towards Loch Splean, a favourite of ours.  When we came back to Aberfoyle we had an ice cream and sat chatting to the motorcyclists who invariably meet up at the ice cream van.  Ice cream cones have fairly risen in price though.

We had a lovely day, and nice to be somewhere out of our own area.

My collage is made up of a photo of Ben Ledi from Callander top left, and the others are of the Queen Elizabeth Forest Park area, where we walked.

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