You Guessed It!

Yup, another gorgeous day! Soon the rain will be back, but at this point we're all fretting because it's so dry. That's what happens when you take away the rain from a PNW'er when it's supposed to be raining!

But I've decided to embrace these last few days of gorgeous weather and will work next week when it's raining. So I went for a walk, played in the opening day of the Ladies' Club at my golf course, then puttered in the garden 'till almost 6:00 pm. Dinner will be easy - frozen leftovers of a delicious casserole I made some time back. I've walked 16,000 steps today!

This sweet little geum has opened up in my back garden. If I'm remembering correctly (I was too lazy to go to the potting shed to find the label) it's Geum 'Mai Tai' from the Cocktails Series. It's a diminutive geum, growing only to 15-18" rather than the gargantuan 'Tangerine' if you know that plant. The flower is small, an 1" in diameter at best. Well suited for the small garden.

A lovely day, all told. 

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