Golden Dots

It was a lovely warm morning but by the afternoon the sun had disappeared and it become gloomy.

I had my hospital appointment this morning about my numbness in my lower body. There was goods news and bad news. Good news is where I had the cyst in my 9 and 10th vertebrae the bone was still holding and no sign of deterioration. It is my lower spine.. it is collapsing and pressing on the nerves. It can be operated on but I don't have enough points to have it done in the public system. I only have 57 points and you need 80. You have to be just about totally paralysed before you can get the opertaion. The good news I may be able to get it funded privately. I have to see the Specialist at his chambers to start the procedure. So fingers crossed!. I see him on May 20.

Other sad news today is two of my best friends called me to say they had lost family members over night.

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