I'm at Road America shooting the World Racing League event. Between races, I amuse myself shooting whatever I can find. In Sheboygan County we are blessed with an abundance of rocks...courtesy of the last glacial wave to exit our area about 10,000 or so years ago.

Rocks are the bane of farmers who spend countless hours removing them from fields as they gumm up the proper functioning of modern day machines for planting, cultivating and harvesting. 

The BIG rocks were often used to construct "fences" between fields and I have always been in love with rock fencelines.....dunno why. According to Skyegirl, said fences in Scotland are known as Dry Stane Dykes.

This one borders a woodlot so many varieties of small plants can grow among the rocks. These small ferns (looks like Drypoteris sp. to me...but not certain) are growing among the mosses and lichen. I rather like the look of it...but then I'm a biologist and I like to see diversity in an ecosystem.

Seen most clearly in Large.

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