Purple Iris

My first irises opened just the day before yesterday, and they are glorious. I managed to run out and nab a few pictures of them on this morning, before the deluge. For it rained and rained and rained and rained; and then it rained some more. I don't know what the rain was like where YOU live. But here, let's just say that in the iris patch, we had a purple rain. . . .

My husband is a sports nut, and he records and watches games later. Football games, basketball games, you name it. The other night, he insisted I watch part of one of them with him. Guess what it turned out to be: Super Bowl XLI, from 2007. Now, before I can even get the words out of my mouth, you know who did THAT halftime show: Yep, Prince!

It is only fitting that that show should have been pouring down rain, while Prince somehow emerged unscathed after playing FOUR separate electric guitars without getting electrocuted in all that rain! So here is the song/show that goes with this image:

Prince, Purple Rain, from the 2007 Super Bowl halftime show*
The story behind the performance (Can you make it rain . . . HARDER?)
The entire Prince halftime show, which rocks!

*Including two favorite viewer comments:
"You know it's good when God does your special effects."
"That time the Super Bowl opened for Prince."

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