Today didn't quite go as planned - but it turned out fine in the end

I had arranged to meet Neil in the village so he got the bus and we met up around 12.40pm.  Then we started walking down to The Metricentre.( I wanted a long walk to get some steps under my belt ).  We set off and we were about half way there when Neil realised he had lost his wallet.   He figured it had dropped out of his pocket on the bus so he phoned the bus company --- no answer. So he filled in a form online.  I put a post on the local Facebook page in case anyone had found the wallet already.  Neil phoned his bank to cancel his debit card.  Then we deicided to go back and retrace his steps just in case he had dropped the wallet after he got of the bus.  Bit of a long shot but we wanted to do everything possible to find it.  But we didn't. 

So we decided we had done all we could and continued walking a different way to The Metrocentre and went to the Toby Carvery ( The Home Of The Roast ) for lunch ( I had a discount voucher from them which they sent for my birthday.).  We hadn't been there long when Neil's phone rang.  It was his bank in Newcastle.  A lady had just been to the bank and handed in his wallet - she had found it on the bus.  Well done that lady.  Its good to know there are some honest folk around. 

The meal was delicious  - roast meats, roast potatoes, mash, stuffing, huge yorkshire pudding, and lots of different veg ... not forgetting the gravy. . We decided to treat ourselves to pud... ice cream with honeycomb topped with chocolate and caramel sauces plus a wafer and a chocolate flake. ( See Extra )  Of course I had to pay for the meal as Neil didn't have his debit card!.  Not that I minded of course.

After the meal Neil went to House of Fraser to check out wedding suits.  He couldn't go home too early as his house key was in his wallet so he had to wait till Rachael got in from work.  I did some food shopping in M & S and got bird food in Wilkinsons - and then home.

Took my blip shot whilst waiting in the bus station.  The Abstract Challenge is " Shape " and I thought all the different shapes of the metal bus stands and the flooring fitted the bill.  I did some processing in Picasa.  Thanks to  Ingeborg for hosting.

Musical link What Are You WAITING for - by Nickelback

Steps today - 14,792

CORONA CLASSIC - Sea Sketches for string orchestra By Grace Williams.

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