Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

This week's bouquet

I just love the peonies and the alliums and all the rest of them. I'm enjoying looking and savouring the blossoms as they come out.

Today I took Mum to Newcastle to see an ophthalmologist who specialises in eyelid surgery. He agree that her droopy lids are preventing her from seeing properly and has agreed to operate on her right eye. (The left one is blanked out with an opaque lens so there is no point in altering the lid.)

We have a date which is in early August. 

Finding the eye clinic was a test in ingenuity and perseverance. When the nice man in the satnav announced that we had arrived, we were sitting at the traffic lights at a junction on a dual carriageway. The clinic was actually accessed from a slip road, but you accessed the slip road about 1/4 mile back along the dual carriageway.

I tried to turn left and go around the block but it was not possible. The road was 20 mph. The time was ticking on. We made it in time. Mum needed the loo and the receptionist looked a bit alarmed. It turned out that in this new clinic, the disabled loo is being used as a storage space for large pieces of equipment. They all had to be pulled out into the main foyer. You couldn't make it up really.

The surgeon was lovely. Mum liked him. I think he needs a mask with a transparent area for when he operates, otherwise she will not hear what he says. 

We hope the bruising from surgery will have gone by the day of her 100th birthday!

Tonight I attended a meeting of the Contemporary Group of the RPS online. The photographer, Stacy Kranitz was talking about her long term project in Appalachia. I found her work puzzling in some aspects. I ended up unsure as to whether the images said more about the people in Appalachia or more about her person journey.  

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