Midsummer garden

After yesterday's damp gloom, today has brought back sunshine and a chance to get back out into the garden. I picked a bowlful of strawberries for us; although woodlice and slugs leave their marks here and there, most of the fruit is intact. Gooseberries are coming along, as are mirabelle plums, cherries and damsons. And quinces: lots of quinces :-)  I can't claim to have done any actual work in the garden today; but being out in it has felt good.

Having started on the antibiotics yesterday, I'm beginning to feel better, finally. Richard, however, seems to be starting on the downward pathway, with the gravelly voice and the intermittent cough - no escape for him, really. 

So we've both been taking it easy.  No Frieda to look after, today; and no Luca yesterday - we would not have been up to it, and passing the bug back to them wouldn't have been a good plan anyway . Thankfully Jack, Marianna, Ruth and Josh have been able to take turns and sort themselves out to cover their work hours.  With luck we'll be back to the normal routine in a day or two.

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