Chasing the Sun

There was a lot of jostling for position as the emperors, skimmers and chasers were battling it out for the best egg-laying area, the best perches and best mate. Some more territorial than others chasing intruders aggressively and the four-spotted chaser males were no exception to this. 

Mating only lasted a few seconds so the chance of getting it on camera were slim, then the female lays her eggs in flight flicking her tail into the water creating ripples rather like dropping in a pebble. 

Feeling rubbish today and actually can speak hardly at all. Cancelled the gym yesterday and tomorrow too but needed to escape the house as the electricians were here in the garden so no power on and off plus the roofer was hammering away taking off the end of the house roof, re-felting and tiling. A long over due job!

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