Sunshine in the Storm (Day 1)

It absolutely chucked it down at various points of the day. The parts of it we wanted to walk outside, it was dry and she was sunshine. But the day brought a bunch of storm of our own.

She had a fabulous time at her private lesson, we had a gorgeous time doing some photographs for our friends business, we had chippies on the beach. We had a half hour at home and we headed for her bassoon lesson.
I got a phone call towards the end of her lesson. The friend she had been with yesterday, in a car for several hours and inside at close quarters, has symptoms and tested positive for covid. There's an outbreak amongst the kids who went on her old school residential. So, Katie is now in isolation. Which is something millions of kids are going through. But she's distraught because if the friends PCR test comes back as positive too, Katie will have to miss the Royal Ballet School summer intensive at White Lodge. She's very upset at the prospect and sobbed inconsolably. Then refused to sleep. Or get in her bed. She ended up falling asleep on a makeshift camp bed on the floor of her room. 

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