Mad runners meet

After yesterday's exhausting run we decided to go out after breakfast and a mix of old railway and woods (and a bit of road for Mr Rat who did a longer route than me).
I was on my way back through the woods when I was greeted from behind and there was another loony running friend. (It was partly her influence that got me and Mr Rat into the longer things as ahe showed it could be done! If you can read her t-shirt it's the Great Glen Ultra in which she was 1st lady.) We ran together for a bit before our ways diverged and stopped in a breezy spot to cool down - and Mr Rat arrived from a different direction so the chatting got prolonged.
The rest of the day I've mostly been in the garden, doing work in the shady areas or with my radio and sewing. 
I'm not sure how hot if got today but the breeze was stronger and it felt a bit fresher.

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