Day 487 Bubblicious

I'm afraid that I didn't see that this week's theme, set by our host Ingeborg, is 'Repetition' so the only tenuous link that I can make is that I have yet again used bubbles for my blip.  This is a layering of two shots of bubbles blown with the special mix and then given a zigzag filter treatment in PS Elements.  I did tweak the colour a little to make the image lighter  and slightly more colourful.  Bubbles were courtesy of Mr MC and Violet.
In other news: the so called 'pingdemic' continues to plague the UK, with millions at home self isolating and therefore unable to work.  The government has come up with the bright idea(!) of allowing certain 'critical industries' to apply  for an exemption for their key workers..  16 sectors have been named but they will not be allowed to apply for blanket exemptions, but rather named workers. .  So many problems that will undoubtedly arise that I can't even be bothered to start listing them!

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