One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Bovine disappointment x12

A thousand apologies ladies. My intention was not to raise your expectations in vain. 
I was stuck behind a Grannyaris peaking at 55 km/h with a growing procession of increasingly demented motorists stuck behind her for long hellish kilometres of twisty roads. I decided to pack it in and veer off a side road to relieve my bladder. 
When you saw me stop by your green green field your surprise turned to interest to longing to frenzied run toward the bottom of the field, in an effort to bag the surprise goodies. 
Sorry, my lovely black black-nosed, dark nosy gentle creatures. It was a false alarm. 
Go back to your gentle grazing. 
And do not be too trusting of strangers who turn up at the bottom of your green green field. One day a man will turn up in a truck. A man with a truck and most nefarious plans. 

Try and stampede the fucker. 

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