and through the wire...

By hesscat


We're at Cruden Bay for 3 nights, Arlo woke at 6am and I was on duties so took him an hour's walk on the beach as the girl slept, he was like a coiled spring after yestercday's driving and ran and ran. We'd found a guillemot chick kind of marooned on the beach as the tide was going out but I wasn't sure what to do. After breakfast Mrs C and I repeated the walk and it was still there as the tide was turning, it seemed to be avoiding the water. We called the SSPCA who we later saw arrive and take it away, it was good to see rescue in action!

We then took a walk to Slains Castle built in 1597 and has had several remodels but is back to being a ruin again. Bram Stoker was a regular visitor to it around 1900 and it is believed the castle and its rooms inspired some of Dracula's castle!

Finally we were off to Newburgh and took another beach walk to see the famous seals here that congregate on the sands, there were absolutely loads of them making a racket. Luckily they were across the river mouth and out of Arlo's reach although I am sure he'd be terrified of them. I have never had so many beach walks on one day, need to put my feet up!

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