Windmill 'De Korenbloem', Ospel

'Korenbloem' = 'Ko-run-BLOOM' = 'cornflower'

A beeeeautiful day!  Left mid-afternoon, and it was busy on the road but no jams.  School has begun but it's early days, and with good weather not too problematic yet with traffic.  Whatever it was, I'm grateful.  The last thing you want on the road is a microwave car.

The 'Korenbloem' had its back to the sun, and try as I did, I could not get a decent frontal shot.  The back, however, was an entirely different affair.  I was satisfied with the effect.  I even cropped one of the original shots and got four really good versions, all different, this being one of them.

Back home, in between the housework, finished week 2 of the Zoroastrian MOOC.  AW had Thursday evening bridge online, but not with Hennen, as the Breda club quit Thursday evenings.  Instead, AW played with good friend Marie, who has just emerged after a severe post-COVID depression.  We are glad she is feeling better, but it must have been hell.  Depressions are exhausting as they suck up all your energy and chuck it in the bin and force you to watch while they are doing that.  In the meantime, replied to a mail from one of the employment agencies I'm registered with, responded to one of the vacancies, but I wonder if it will amount to anything.  I don't feel like worrying or feeling sorry for myself because I don't think I need to feel that way... but I also have the feeling that the hole in my head is providing the very cushion I need so that I don't feel disappointed.  It's like the way I used to turn off my mind every time I got beaten up.  The only thing is that I'm not getting beaten up any more.  My head is just behaving as though I am.  I'm not fighting that.  I'm glad I can take care of myself that way now.

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