Postcard from Dull

For years I have passed this signpost and wondered what the village of Dull is like.
Today I discovered. After quarter of a mile going uphill along a very narrow road I reach the village of Dull, population 85 .
A young  bearded man emerges from the churchyard  with an armful of  rubbish.
He looks approachable.
“Do you know why the village is called Dull?”
“Its certainly not Dull,” he replied tetchily.
So I switch tactic.
“ Is the church open?”
“No, I live there”.
He added “ You can go in an look at gravestones if you like and there is a war memorial up there.”
I thank him and make my excuses. 
Clearly he is not into promoting Dull twinned with Boring in Oregon and Bland in Australia.
But you don’t move to a remote village seeking solitude only to find yourself the butt of tourist jokes.
Dull has a fascinating history starting with a monastery built in the 8th century.
A quick glance at the  village noticeboard proves there is a lot more to it though than dead people. The local drama group are putting on Whisky Galore. `
This legendary story based on a shipwreck in the early 1940s and later made into a successful film seems a most appropriate play for this remote Highland village.
I’m glad I made that detour.

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