Kept moving away

As I expected Auckland will remain in Level 4 Lockdown for at least another week. Despite there being a drop in new positive cases of Covid. Fifteen yesterday (down from 33. These will likely produce more positive cases, and the line from here will probably be a zigzag one. Unlike the first lockdown when only a small number of people opposed the continued lockdown, there are more complaints. Probably because the rest of the country is closer to normal than we are. Last year's first lockdown was 50 days, and currently we are at 28.

After another day with Zoom meetings and supervision I went down to the Southend where the water was ebbing rapidly. It was quite late in the day, and the apart from the ubiquitous gulls, and many patient Kotare, there were few birds. I liked the shapes created by this Poaka.

When I was making my lunch I  looked out the kitchen window and saw a pair of green finches on the bird table. I've posted as an extra a photo taken through the closed window of the male, who posed more carefully than did his mate. 50th species photographed this year.

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