It was raining this morning, we had to be out of the flat by 9am and Martin was seriously incapacitated.  I had to pack everything up, strip all the beds, carry all our stuff down 4 flights of stairs, (including the dog crate) do the recycling, bins and sort the dog.  We had hoped to have breakfast at a cafe before we set off but the dog wasn't allowed inside and Martin couldn't sit on the bench seats outside as they were too low.  It was all very difficult...

In the end we got a Costa drive-through coffee and breakfast and then drove 7 hours straight back home (Martin was OK in the car and we didn't want to risk stopping).  

One thing that surprised me about Wales is that everything is written in both English and Welsh, all instruction signs, place names and even road instructions.  Is it a legal requirement Welsh friends?

Anyway we now both know what the Welsh is for SLOW should it come up in a quiz someday.

Martin is still in a lot of pain - he's hoping it will just go away... let's see - one day at a time...

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