Beware of attack . . .

Butterfly is what the sign on the porch door says as Vic hatches butterflies all summer long.

Right now he has Monarch butterflies. The caterpillar on the left has found himself a spot to hang from and gotten into the classic J. He should be a chrysalis tomorrow. It shouldn’t be long now before the three chrysalis on the right break to show us gorgeous new butterflies.

It was great to have lunch with Birgit & Maria out on the porch today and enjoy the taste of cooler weather. It still got up to 78°F/25.5°C but it wasn’t humid and there was a lovely breeze! I had fish’n chips and Birgit & Maria both had shepherds pie so it was a real British like meal!

I took a chrysanthemum to both Birgit and Maria and when Vic got home he wanted to know where his was! We told him sorry but the mums were for the mums. :-)

Can’t believe it’s Friday already. Happy Weekend Everyone. Take care of yourself and each other xx

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