
By Alberta

Yay sun!

I love monos and was tempted with this one but really wanted to share the colours of the morning... the sun has been out all day despite the meteo!!!! We went down to the village (pictured here) for a coffee and pain au chocolat. It was cold though but with the sun shining we decided to go for a bike ride this afternoon so I made sure I wore my daft hat!! and my ears were toasty! Back to planting some gladioli and dahlia.. the veg will be next. Mr A has been planting his veg for ages now ... I am experimenting with square foot gardening this year on my patch... The whole patch is divided into squares marked out by a grass lane and planks and rods .. Apparently I need never walk on the ground again (on the veg plot that is!!!). My crop includes butternut squash, baby tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, sweet corn and sometimes beetroot... not sure what else yet but they are my core veg. Mr A grows the rest.. which is a lot! Good to be back on the land although you would think that popping bulbs in the ground was easy peasy but it was harder work than the cycling!! Time for a G and T!

And as you can see it is still very very quiet and this is in the town!

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