Glistening in the morning sunlight

We stayed the night in Titirangi. In the morning the Builder's labourers arrived to remove the bath from the downstairs bathroom, now that the upstairs one is (almost) fully functional). We can't connect the gas water heating until all the other work is done which won't be for some months. As the shower is designed to work with mains pressure, it won't work until the gas water heating system is functional. Fortunately the builder believes that he has a work around for us.

When the guys first arrived and I was outside welcoming them, I noticed the light catching on a spider web on the power line to the neighbour's house. I'm not sure if the web designer and builder is attached to the line nearby or what that is. I've noticed it only since looking at the photo.

After we got back to Fidelis Ave, I went down to the Southend of Snells beach. Where i was almost immediately harassed by a red-billed gull (Tarapunga). It was impossible to ignore as it flew at my head screeching the whole time, circling and diving repeatedly for almost five minutes. It was joined by another which anthropomorphically was egging on the first and admiring 'his' attacks with screeches of 'her' own. I retreated to find another place to walk. Which is when I noticed the larger bird posturing at the slightly smaller one (see the extra). 'He' appeared to be invited to attend more closely, whereupon they sent a shrill duet into the sky. Then there was a move which was rejected and they walked away from each other.

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